NEW DELHI: Well when it’s about contributing to society then certainly our Bollywooders are no less than any pro-social creature surviving under this planet. And when it’s Salman leading from the front, then no one under this sky can gauge the extent of benevolence which this most magnanimous star of Bollywood can bestow.
In one such instance now Salman has accepted the invite of Indian PM Narendra Modi and has rolled up his sleeves to be the part of latter’s “Clean Indian Campaign (Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan)”.
An in order to prove is adherence to the initiative Salman took up a clean-up drive in Karjat and shared pictures of himself along with his team sweeping and cleaning up the streets of the locality.
While sharing his pics on twitter Salman thanked NaMo for including him in Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and tweeted,”I once again thank @narendramodi for taking up the Swachh Bharat initiative and nominating me.”
But Salman didn’t stop here only and in order to ensure the continuity of this chain adopted his Jai Ho antic and further nominated 9 more celebs including Aamir Khan, Azim Premji, Rajinikanth etc whom he wished to accept the partnership in this noble initiative.
Admiring this initiative of Salman even Narendra Modi bestowed accolades on Salman on the social media.
Well it’s not that Modi and Salman are complementing each other on somewhat professional fronts only, another buss pertaining to the brewing camaraderie between the two suggests that an invitation has been sent across to Narendra Modi to attend the wedding of Salman’s sister Arpita which is scheduled to take place on May 2015.
And if all goes well then it is expected that Modi will definitely attend this familial function of his superstar admirer whom he is keeping along with him ever-since the day he started campaigning for LS elections in the past.