Mansoor Pirzada
GHOTKI: Revenue department’s land fraud revealed; bogus sale certificate issued, land worth millions of rupees sold to cousin of Sindh Food Minister.
According to details, a disputed commercial plot at Chachar mohallah Daharki has been sold out to Jam Javed Ahmed Dahar, who is cousin of Sindh Food Minister Jam Mehtab Hussain Dahar (ex-Revenue Minister) by issuing bogus sale certificate and fake signature of assistant commissioner Daharki.
The fraud revealed when Sub Registrar Mirpur Mathelo sent sale certificates Nos. 418 and 419 for the verification at AC Daharki office.
Assistant commissioner Muhammad Usman Tahir confirmed the fraud in an official letter no. 356 issued to Sub Registrar Mirpur Mathelo stating that someone has produced two fake sale certificates Nos. 418 and 419 both on dated 21-03-2014, with his fake signature on dated 25-03-2014. Those certificates have never been issued from that office as the case is pending with Honourable High Court Sukkur Bench against the said property bearing Survey No. 594, 595. While this correspondent tried to contact AC Daharki, he avoided the call several times.
The said plot was allotted on lease in 1946 for thirty years which expired in 1976, after it the plot was not allotted but recently Jam Javed Ahmed Dahar with the help of some revenue staffers changed the record and obtained fake sale certificate.
Construction on plot is under way for commercial shopping plaza even after the case is pending in Honouable High Court Sukkur Bench, on the application of Mohsin Jan Kalwar; each shop is being sold at the rate of 3-4 million rupees, the plaza is said to be comprised of 150 shops, plots worth 600 million rupees have been sold to people who were willing to invest for their business.
Revenue Land fraud: bogus sale certificate issued, land worth millions of rupees sold to cousin of Sindh Food Minister