Oh, Hitler! You were right,
the world had a short sight,
then people were very few,
who like you it knew,
that human species called Jews,
were indeed mankind’s foes,
the words you left in history
have come true as open mystery.
Now they are playing a gory game,
upon armless Palestinians sans shame,
they are killing children, women and civilians,
like sponsored mercenaries and wile villains.
Alas! The conscience of superpowers is maimed,
they defend the terrorists, they tamed,
and purposely pat the backs of offenders,
terming the aggrieved innocent as aggressors.
Fie upon the world powers’ inglorious guiles,
whose sympathies are akin to tears of crocodiles!
Oh, humanists, living in the world, far and wide,
play your part in stopping Palestinians genocide!
Jam Jamali