7 ways to avoid hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition which increases the risk of developing many health related problems including heart disease, stroke and kidney diseases.

Lifestyle plays an important role in treating the high-blood pressure or hypertension.

Here are some ways to avoid hypertension:

Maintain weight: People who are overweight should lose weight and those who weight normally should not gain excess weight in order to avoid the risk of hypertension.

Balanced diet: Balanced diet and healthy food can help keep the blood pressure under control. Plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in potassium in the diet should be taken. And one should follow diet that will help to manage blood pressure.

Exercise: One should exercise regularly to prevent hypertension. Physical activities play an important role in controlling blood pressure. Even 30 minutes exercise three times a week is good enough to avoid hypertension.

Monitor blood pressure: One should make sure to check the blood pressure regularly. Hypertension occurs with no symptoms so its good to keep a check on your blood pressure levels. Blood pressure in the range of 120-139/80-89 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) will put you at increased risk of developing hypertension. So one should take extra care, if their blood pressure reaches the said range.

Cut on salt: One should reduce the consumption of salt in diet to help keep the blood pressure normal.The higher the intake of sodium, the higher the risk of blood pressure. Salt intake can be cut back by avoiding high-sodium packaged and processed foods. Also, it can be done by not adding extra salt to meals.

Less alcohol: Too much alcohol can lead to the problem of high blood pressure. So one should avoid drinking alcohol if you want to keep your blood pressure under control.

Reduce stress: Blood pressure or hypertension is caused by stress. So taking too much of stress is not good for health and one should lead a stress free life to avoid the disease. To reduce stress methods such as yoga, self-help books, meditation, deep relaxation techniques or mental health counseling should be taken up.

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