HYDERABAD: Sindh National Party has announced it would stage sit ins across the province against anti-Sindh policies of Nawaz Sharif government including forced blackout by cutting off power feeders. The party said its workers would gherao federal ministers whenever they will enter into Sindh and if the electricity was not restored they would block the roads leading to Punjab. This was stated by SNP chairman Amir Bhambhro and central leader Ashraf Noonari and others in a joint statement here Sunday.
They said Nawaz League was anti Pakistan and pro-Punjab party which when in power had always deprived rights of oppressed nations.They said federal minister of power and water has been made as Viceroy of Sindh who has plunged 80% Sindh into darkness.
The enforced loadshedding of electricity has affected our industries rendedring hundreds of thousands of workers jobless. With no power the wheel jam of Sindlh’s development was out of toleration. They said if the power was not restore they would stop supply of gas line to Punjab.
Bhambhro and Noonari in a way they had united again keeping in view wishes of people of Sindh the example of which is unprecedent in national movement.
They made appeal to other nationalists to end their petty differences for sake of Sindh and get united as Sindh needs an organized and strong nationalist party.

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