shumaila Altaf
In today era,Pakistan faces a lot of challenges in which energy crises is one of them. Government started many projects to overcome energy crises.Pakistan in few back years get into sever energy crises and load shedding became a part of our daily routine life.Pakistan blessed with huge natural resources e.g with large amount of the coal even though she faces critical challenges like power failure.we are facing problem of load shedding due to the electricity demands being more then the production capacity of the national power grid.Government should adopt better strategies to resolve this.Karachi the biggest city faced up to 12 hours load shedding in peak hot weather.federal minister for water and power Khwaja Asif give hope to the nation by said that the incumbent regime is attaching top priority to provide affordable and uninterrupted electricity to the people and is working on multiple strategies to address the challenges. Government-specific energy-efficiency incentive programs also play a significant role in the overall energy policy of Pakistan.Government should give benefit to the people and solve their problem in order to be a democratic government.