THE HUMAN PROBLEM: Series letters to Scientists by Allama Innayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi…. (Topics series)
For an intelligence to be competent enough to capture the whole Universe it is imperative that it should be Omniscient and Omnipresent; in fact the very structure of the Universe in general points out that these qualities cannot be attained by a life of flesh and blood. If intelligence exist in other parts of the Universe they must possess organs consistent with the living circumstances of only that heavenly body in which they exist, but for an intelligence capable of existing everywhere “the least Common of all heavenly Multiple” of the living circumstances of all heavenly bodies is required and this can only be when that intelligence takes the shape circumstances-but is all knowing, all pervading and all embracing. The aim of the future Scientific “Superman” will therefore be to attain to that goal of perfection by “species-wide” exertion of brain and limbs resulting in extreme changes in his present physical organs.
An example from Human History may perhaps clear this point a little. Man began to move to America 150 years after the discovery of that land by Columbus in 1496, i-e a little over 300 years back. Only those left their places who were struck hardest by the struggle for the existence. Americans, now after a lapse of 300 years, have developed certain distinctive qualities of head, heart and perhaps body over their comrades in Europe, which are quite apparent. In another 300 years these qualities will become definitely more marked.