Sameer Nazir
KARACHI: The energy resources in Sindh are abundant and rapidly being explored to overcome the energy crisis of the country with the aggressively involvement of the provincial government to develop its natural resources of coal, wind and solar energy, said Senator Taj Haider, Advisor to CM Sindh.
Speaking to audience at 7th PowerGen Energy Forum 2014 organised by Energy update held here, he said Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company is the 100 percent owned by local investors including private partners and provincial government which restored the confidence of foreign investors gradually who are keen to invest to set up their coal-based power plants, he said while referring to the investment share Sindh Government stands at Rs 3 billion. He said that Jhimphir Wind Energy Farm has potential to generate 1900 MW electricity whereas 163 MW have been added to the national grid with three companies are operational. On the other hand, he added, Zulfiqarabad allocated energy corridor could generate 50,000 MW additional electricity showing its immense scope.
There are 17 companies interested to set up their power plant of 50 MW in Zulfiqarbad depicting promising future of province in achieving self-sufficiency in power generation on various frontiers, senator added.
The country’s biggest province should contribute investments towards resources of energy rather than relying on different province supplies till the depletion of overall reserves, he said adding provinces and people should be given access to natural resources as per assurance of constitution of Pakistan. He added that article 172(3) of constitution said that province and federal government owns equally 50 percent share of the natural resources of the land primarily the earnings. On the other hand, article 150 guarantees that province having resources is rightfully first to use and sale them.
Dr Ansar Pervaz, Chairman Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) said that proposed nuclear power projects are safe, efficient and vital energy resources for the country as these planned projects like K2/K3 could produce most affordable electricity to masses of country. Dispelling the misconception about nuclear power plants and its security hazards, he said the proposed power plants are being developed at the safest place without any issue of ground fault. He added that these projects are being designed to brace 0.3G quack shocks whereas 0.2G shocks could raze many commercial and residential buildings in the city of Karachi. He further clarified that the hazards of environment could be well averted with the use of new technology whereas danger of explosion is rare and could be controlled as far as 5 kilometers away from the plants.
Dr Attur Rahman, former federal minister, said that world is moving towards latest and efficient sources of technology to save their costs and environmental hazards urging that companies in Pakistan should exploit advance technology in Pakistan and make the most of returns from their investments. He added that local companies and private sector should come forward to innovate and invent technology for long-term valuable impacts.
Explaining the basic concept of power generation, PAEC chairman Dr Ansar Parvez said the power utility must have spinning reserves to ensure that electricity remains available to its consumers. “While the oil, gas and coal reserves in the world are fast depleting and will be gone by 2100 or 2200, nuclear power is constant,” he said before pointing out that mostly coal was used across the world for power production but Pakistan used oil, which was very expensive, to meet its electricity needs.
Dr Atta-ur-Rahman agreed that Pakistan had a big problem relying on imported oil for making power. “We have other natural resources such as coal, wind water and gas to make power,” he said.
“Pakistan also received a big setback in 1994 when the government decided that Wapda would not make power plants, opening the door for corruption and kickbacks. So the energy sector in Pakistan is a sad story of mismanagement and bad planning,” he said.
“Pakistan has the fifth largest water system in the world where you can have small hydro plants, instead of having huge ones, at several places. And these plants can be manufactured locally,” he said.
Coming to coal energy, he said that 50,000 megawatts could be produced by just Thar coal alone. About gas, he said, it was regretful that more gas reserves had not been explored. Other sources of energy Dr Atta mentioned were methane gas that is usually present on the ocean floor and shale resources. “According to a report it’s estimated that there are 586 trillion cubic feet of shale reserves in Pakistan,” he said.
Ejaz Ahmed Khan MD thar coal energy board, Engr. Irfan Ahmad, Technical Advisor, Energy Sector, Siemens Pakistan, Syed Tanveer Hassan, Plant Manager, FFC Energy Ltd, Naeem Qureshi, Managing Editor, Energy Update, Kalim Siddiqui, Former MD, PSO & Zahid Hussain, Former CEO, OGDCL also speaks on the occasion.
Energy Leaders Awards were given to companies representatives including Kauwait Petroleum Ltd, Pak Oasis Ltd, Fauji Energy Corporation and K Electric on thier best performance. cake cutting ceremony was also held on 8th anniversary of energy update magazine